Monday 27 June 2011

Review Of Skills

What do you think your best skills are?
My best skills would be using photoshop although i am yet to do a print task i would be able to use my skills i have learnt in other lessons to complete them.

What skills do you need to further develop?
i would like to develop skills in camera work and editing as i didn't get to do much ofthat last year

Monday 13 June 2011

What have i learnt from media

so far in media i have learnt how to use a video camera in the correct ways to make a suitable film opener this includes different shot types and edits. i also learnt how to edit videos in adobe premiere and also imovie i had never used these two proagrames until i started media studies. I now also know how to make a blog and use all the different features of blogger to make my blog look professional things such as creating pages to make my blog look organized, adding pictures videos and even sound to make the presentation of my blog look better. Throughout the video task my time management and research skills have improved and become more in depth than what they were before i started media. i have learnt to evaluate on a wider scale by being more creative rather than just writing it down i have used different means of showing my work. I have also learnt to anaylise clips before i could not do that and now i can view a clip and write a strong paragraph about it.